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eHaus Taupo's client shares what it's like to live in a high performing eHaus

Sections For Sale - Tasman Estate Subdivision, Whanganui

eHaus Wairarapa discuss the benefits of building an eHaus using SIP panels

Is it possible to build a high performing house in New Zealand for a budget that is achievable?

Mat from eHaus Taupo shares why he builds high performing homes using the Passive House principles

eHaus Taranaki clients share why they designed and built two eHaus homes as rental properties.

A year living here, it feels like a dream: Toiora High Street Passive House Co-housing Development

The Gist of Passive House Explained by eHaus

New eHaus owners share their experience of working with eHaus Manawatu to build their eHaus

The People's House Series Three.1

The People's House Series One.1

eHaus talk to Asthma & Respiratory Foundation NZ about the impact housing has on our health

Toi Ora High Street Co-housing Passive House Development built by eHaus Otago

eHaus Waikato clients talk about their experience designing and building an eHaus

New Zealand's First Low Carbon Concrete Floor Slab Poured

Learn About The Benefits of Living in a Passive House built by eHaus Waikato

The 5 Principles of Passive House Design - explained by eHaus Waikato

Take a tour through a certified Passive House with Jon from eHaus

We Asked Our Clients What They Love Most About Living In their eHaus'.

First Passive House Co-Housing Project in New Zealand

Dunedin High Street Co-housing Passive House Project

Benefits of Passive House Design explained by an eHaus Passive House Owner

What makes an eHaus so much more than just a regular home?

eHaus South Pacific Passive House Awards Winner