Все публикации

Lecture 14: CS626 Machine Translation and Its Evaluation | IIT Bombay | 2024

Lecture 13: CS626 Introduction to Machine Translation by Sourabh Deoghare | IIT Bombay | 2024

Lecture 12: CS626 Probabilistic Parsing Cont'd | Inside-Outside Algorithm | IIT Bombay | 2024

Lecture 11: CS626 Probabilistic Parsing Cont'd | Expectation Maximization | IIT Bombay | 2024

Lecture 10: CS626 Grammar and Parsing Algorithms | Probabilistic Parsing | IIT Bombay | 2024

Lecture 9: CS626 Parsing Cont'd | Constituency & Dependency Parsing | CYK Algo | IIT Bombay | 2024

Lecture 8: CS626 Parsing | Constituency & Dependency Parsing | CYK Algorithm | IIT Bombay | 2024

Lecture 7: CS626 POS Tagging using Conditional Random Fields (CRF) | IIT Bombay | 2024

Lecture 6: CS626 Discriminative POS Tagging | Forward Backward Algorithm | IIT Bombay | 2024

Lecture 5: CS626 POS Tagging (PART-3) | Viterbi algorithm | IIT Bombay | 2024

Lecture 4: CS626 POS Tagging (PART-2) | Hidden Markov Model (HMM) | IIT Bombay | 2024

Lecture 3: CS626 POS Tagging (PART-1)| IIT Bombay | 2024

Lecture 2: CS626 Language Modelling | IIT Bombay | 2024

Lecture 1: CS626 Introduction & Course Logistics | IIT Bombay | 2024