Все публикации

Embryonic semaphores : Morphogens and contact-mediated signalling in developmental patterning

Spatial patterning through diffusion-driven instabilities: Turing patterns - Part 1 by Mithun Mitra

Equilibria; Existence of Nash Equilibrium

Unraveling the Structure of the Indus Script: A Computational Perspective by Nisha yadav

Markov, Zipf, Shannon: Statistical approaches to analysing inscriptions - Part I by Sitabhra Sinha

Language models, Markov chains, hidden Markov models and profiles

Void growth in amorphous polymers: effect of loading rates

A method to discover non-linear causal relations among genes

Machine learning applications of linear algebra concepts - 4

Inner products, orthogonalization and singular value decompositionwith examples from data science -3

Machine learning applications of linear algebra concepts - 2

Flags, Landscapes, Signaling : From gene regulatory dynamics to tissue patterning and morphogenesis

Evolution of our understanding of the dynamics of the North Indian Ocean by D. Shankar

Question and Answer Session

Representation homology of spaces and the strong Macdonald conjectures by Ajay C Ramadoss


Understanding Diseases using Integrated Biological Models from Data by Nirav Bhatt

Inaugural event and unveiling of bust of Prof Alladi Ramakrishnan

A Strategic Roadmap for India in Generative AI Public & Private Sectors by M Vidyasagar

Reviving the Stueckelberg Mechanism by Sreerup Raychaudhuri

RRR by T. R. Govindarajan

Elucidating and leveraging design principles towards realistic reconstruction of Boolean GRN

Lecture_18_26.04.2023 by A. P. Balachandran