Все публикации

To calculate Particular Integral ( P.I.) for e^ax & sinax / cosax: LDE of higher order

C.F. for LDE of higher order with constant Coefficients

Introduction to Bachelor of Science program, VGI

Maths IV (Unit-III)| Long question for 10 Marks|Rank corr. coeff.|AKTU Exam

Maths IV (Unit-III)| Long question for 10 Marks| Coeff. of correlation|AKTU Exam

Maths-IV (Unit-III)|Very IMP Questions| Least Square Method| 10 Marks| B.Tech. 2nd year| AKTU Exam

Maths-IV (Unit -III)| Very IMP. Question| For 10 Marks | Numerical of Moments| AKTU | B.Tech 2nd Yr

Numerical s on Regression Analysis/ Maths IV/ 2nd year B.Tech/ AKTU

Equation of Regression lines/MATHS-IV/AKTU/ Module III/ 2nd year B.Tech.

MATHS-IV/AKTU/ Moment generating Function (Module III)/ 2nd Year

Lecture 22: Unit IV (Maths IV) Poisson Distribution

# AKTU#B.Tech.# Lecture 21: Unit IV Binomial Distribution, Part II

#AKTU#B.Tech./ Lecture 20: Unit IV, Binomial Distribution, Part I

Lecture 20: Unit V (Maths IV), P-Char/np-chart/C- Chart

Lecture 17: Unit V (Civil Engineering), Karnaugh Map (K - Map), Part II

Lecture 17: Unit V ( Civil Engineering), Karnaugh Map (K-Map), Part I

Lecture 19: Unit V (Maths IV), Statistical Quality Control, Mean & R- Chart

Lecture 18: Maths IV (Unit V), Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

Lecture 16: Unit V (Civil Engineering), Logic Gates and Truth Table

Lecture 15: Unit V (Civil Engineering) | Imp.Numericals of Lattice | Introduction of Boolean Algebra

Lecture 17: Maths IV (Unit V), F - test

Lecture 16: Module V (Maths IV), t- Test for 2 Sample Means, Part II

Lecture 14: Unit V ( Civil Engineering), LATTICES,Part II

Lecture 14: Unit V (Civil Engineering), Imp. Numerical of Hasse Diagram,,part I