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In order to free our minds, we have to start critically thinking.

#blackpeople #blackloveisblackpower #blackculturematters #africanamericanculture #news

While Black people studied our Bibles, our oppressors studied how to imprison our minds.

Black people have been socialized and trauma bonded to the white society.

Learn the truth that sets you free.

#blackpeople #youcanthandlethetruth #africanamerican #blackloveisblackpower #blackculturematters

White governments don’t want critical thinking Black population.

Black people are still being oppressed

#blackpeople #africanamerican #blackloveisblackpower #blackculturematters #africanamericanculture

Ever noticed that they use a lowercase b for us, but an uppercase W for themselves?

Kevin Samuel's popularity was connected to Black social engineering

They’ve created a prison 4 our minds. Who don’t critically think, don’t notice our mental chains.

Why are Black people often negatively perceived.

#blackloveisblackpower #africanamericanculture #blackpeople #thetruthwillsetyoufree

#blackloveisblackpower #africanamericanculture #blackpeople #africanamericanheritage #thetruth

Learn the absolute truth that white oppressive forces don’t want us to ever learn.

People are easily manipulated

#blackloveisblackpower #blackpeople #africanamericanculture #youcanthandlethetruth

We’re drowning in disinformation.

Elevate your mind to learn the truth.

#thetruthwillsetyoufree #blackpeople #africanamericanculture #africanamericanheritage

I was born with the inability to believe dumb shit.

Those mindsets likeCandance Owen are the deliberate result of wh! te social engineering.

Most BIack pe0pIe are cIueIess of h0w we’re still being oppressed.