Все публикации

Immutable Infrastructure generation: the new App Deployment

The Illusion of Execution

Concurrent Processing Techniques

REST on Akka: Connect to the world

Java Security Manager reloaded

Feature Driven Development

No one at Google uses MapReduce anymore - Cloud Dataflow explained for dummies

Java EE 7's Java API for WebSocket

Lambda, from the Dark Age to the Infinity and Beyond

Static Source Code Analysis, The Next Generation

Algebird : algebra for efficient big data processing

Pragmatic Functional Refactoring with Java 8

Create Elegant Builds at Scale with Gradle

The Unpuzzling Kotlin: Bringing Clarity to Your Code

Reactive Programming: creating highly responsive applications

Don't be naked in front of JavaScript: 15 essential tools explained in 15 minutes

The 10 rules to write better UI tests with Selenium

DataFX - The JavaFX Enterprise Framework

Meet the Dockers

Modern Enterprise Java Architectures with Spring 4.1

MongoDB for JPA Developers

Quickie: Patterns, Shmatterns

Concurrency in Enterprise Java

Quickie: ElasticMQ: a fully asynchronous, Akka-based Amazon SQS server