Все публикации

VAR Models: Impulse-Responses and Structural VAR Models

Estimation and Asymptotic Inference in Vector Autoregressive (VAR) Models

Stationarity Conditions for AR(2) Processes

Computation of news impact curve

GMM Estimation of Consumption CAPM

On exporting estimation results from PcGive (OxMetrics) to LaTeX.

An Introduction to Multivariate GARCH

An empirical illustration of the co-integrated VAR model

The Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test with Deterministic Terms

Efficient GMM Estimation

GMM Estimation and the Properties of the GMM Estimator

Introduction to GMM

Estimation of GARCH Models in OxMetrics

Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the MA(1) Model

OLS Estimation of the AR(1) Model

Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the AR(1) Model