Все публикации

60 hour travel day

our favorite countries for food

they say you learn a lot about a guy when you travel together…

learning how to free dive

learning how to hold our breath for a really long time

learning how to free dive in Tulum!

propose or get travelers diarhea

first time on a sleeper train in China

things that make no sense but do make sense in China

my grandpa heard Americans like fruit salad

my bf’s inflatable hoodie

eating 100 bowls of noodles again

was is worth it?

how the polar plunge works in Antarctica

40 espressos a day

grandma changes her mind on my bf

my bf eating with my chinese family

my grandma doesn’t approve of my bf

Unexpected Proposal!!

boat tour!!! sailing greece with medsailors

our overnight bus broke down in malaysia

splitting up for the night | capsule hotel in japan

A Special Announcement:

Our First Holi Experience