Все публикации

Ellie explores habitats

ABPI Schools

Meddyginiaeth Ellie

Ellie's medicine

Ellie explores the planets

Ellie and the unusual creature

Ellie helps great aunt Betsi

Ellie yn helpu Hen Fodryb Betsi

Dr Ron Daniels - UK Sepsis Trust on healthcare professionals and AMR

Ellie - the Climate Champion

Professor Ruth Roberts, Chair of Drug Discovery, University of Birmingham and co-founder of ApconiX

Careers for Doctors in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Senior Clinical Development Director, Dr Juliet Roberts

Laboratory Scientist Degree Apprentice, in Analytical Chemistry, at AstraZeneca, Alex Cummings

Media and Communications Manager, ABPI, Tafi Maruta.

Taking a tablet

Injecting a drug

Drinking beer

Spoonful of medicine

Injecting medicine

Smoking a cigarette


Welcome to the ABPI

Global Head of Drug Product Design, Pfizer - Green Careers, Brian Henry.