Все публикации

the impossible wii golf shot

I learnt 5 easy yo-yo tricks

I Tested Weird Sleep Products

Mosh Pit Family Feud

Hosting Game Shows in Festival Mosh Pits

things I learnt from spending 1 week in rollerblades

Spending 7 days in rollerblades (Day 2)

I wore rollerblades to a party

5 ways to WIN at Pokemon

Landorus-T (Official Music Video)

How to remember the Pokemon type matchups

Mario Party, but our parents are playing...

3 Levels of Smash Bros Quiz

The most amazing tiny house

ChatGPT challenged me to do this...

30 Minutes To Unlock Characters, Then FIGHT Poppt1


I played Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle EARLY!!

The Smash Bros Lore Quiz

Perfectly Balanced Smash Bros

We Made Up New Smash Character Lore

If I Lose, You Can Buy ANYTHING


How I Beat The World's STRONGEST Amiibo