Все публикации

Aftermath of Myrmica rubra nuptial flight ( those are all dead males) #nature #antkeeping #insects

Reddish Scarites beetle #nature

Greenhouse Pheidole megacephala #antkeeping #antkeeper #ants #insects

Greenhouse Tapinoma melanocephalum #nature #antkeeping #antkeeper #ants #insects

Today, now, Lasius neoniger flights

Salamander (?) #nature

Dolichoderus mariae mound #ants #insects #nature #antkeeper #antscanada

Lasius murphyi nuptial flight #ants #insects #nature #antkeeper

Formica flights in Ontario #ants #insects #nature #antkeeper

Large dead beetle trying to move still #nature

Lasius (Lasius) defending their colony from Myrmica rubra #ants #antkeeper #nature

Myrmica species queen with a lot of eggs #ant #ants #antkeeper #antspecies

Camponotus nearcticus running with a pupae

Myrmica rubra queens with very orange gastors #ant #ants #antkeeper #antspecies #nature

Myrmica rubra suck #ant

Stenamma brevicorne with eggs #ant #ants

Hiking and looking for ants in Ontario |Episode 2

Tetramorium bicaranatum #ant

Cautolasius nest #ant #ants #antkeeper #antspecies #nature #antcolony #bug

Crematogaster eating something #ants #ant #antkeeper #antspecies #nature

Weird beetle in panic mode (Cucujus species) #insects #nature

Stenamma nuptial flight from tonight #ants #ant #insects #antcolony #antspecies #nature

Aphaenogaster, Crematogaster, and something else…. #ants

Tapinoma melanocephalum is tiny #ants #ant #antspecies #antkeeper #nature #antcolony #bug