Все публикации

Number of 1 Bits | Leetcode 191 | Bit Manipulation | Medium

Longest Valid Parentheses | Leetcode 32 | String | Stack | Medium

Ones and Zeroes | Leetcode 474 | String | DP | Medium

Palindromic Substrings | Leetcode 647 | String | DP | Medium

Unique Paths II | Leetcode 63 | Array | DP | Recursion | Medium

Find a Corresponding Node of a Binary Tree in a Clone of That Tree | Leetcode 1379 | DFS | Tree

Shortest Path in Binary Matrix | Leetcode 1091 | BFS | Array | Matrix | Medium

Deepest Leaves Sum | Leetcode 1302 | BFS | DFS | Tree | Medium

Network Delay Time | Leetcode 743 | BFS | Dijkstras Algo | Medium

Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II | Leetcode 117 | Binary Tree | DFS | Medium

Permutations II | Leetcode 47 | Backtracking | Array | Medium

Count Sorted Vowel Strings | Leetcode 1641 | Backtracking | DP | Medium

Combination Sum III | Leetcode 216 | Backtracking | Array | Medium

Letter Combinations of a Phone Number | Leetcode 17 | Backtracking | String | HashTable | Medium

Flatten Nested List Iterator | Leetcode 341 | Stack | Iterator | Medium

Remove All Adjacent Duplicates in String II | Leetcode 1209 | Stack | String

Implement Stack using Queues | Leetcode 225 | Stack | Queue

Max Number of K-Sum Pairs | Leetcode 1679 | Two Pointer | Array | Hash Table | Sorting

Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray | Leetcode 581 | Two Pointer | Array | Sorting

Sort Array By Parity | Leetcode 905 | Two Pointer | Array

Backspace String Compare | Leetcode 844 | Two Pointer | String

Evaluate Division | Leetcode 399 | DFS | Graph | Array

Is Graph Bipartite? | Leetcode 785 | DFS | Graph

Increasing Order Search Tree | Leetcode 897 | Tree | DFS | Binary Tree