Все публикации

Paul Reverse Tells His Story of that Faithful Day, The Day the American Revolution Began

W6:D2 - Complex Societies All Around Africa, Where the Civilizations Came From - Adventure Box Pod

Patrick Henry Tells His Story of Fighting for the Freedom and Liberty of the Colonies

W6:D2 - Slavery Started Well Before America. It's Important to Learn about it - Adventure Box Pod

Lord North Tells His Story as Prime Minister of Great Britain During the Intolerable Act

W6:D1 - Was the Sahara Desert Green a few Thousand Years Ago What happened Adventure Box Podcast

W6:D1 - Amerigo Vespucci, Pedro Cabral, and Juan Ponce de Leon - Adventure Box Podcast

Samuel Adam Tells His Story Organizing the Sons of Liberty and the Boston Tea Party

John Adams Tells His Story of Independence and Service as Vice President and President

John Adams Tells his Story Upto the Time he Defended British Soldiers after the Massacre

Molly Brant Tells About Negotiating Between the Iroquois Confederacy and the British

King George III Tells His Story of the American Revolution and Losing the Colonies

W4:D4 - The Unspoken of South American Tribes and More on the Mapuche

King George III, of England Tells His Story of Ascending the Throne and the end of Seven Years' War

W4-D3 - South American Tribes and the Mapuche Tribe

Lord Bute Tells of Leading King George in his Youth and Out of the Seven Years' War

Admiral Sir George Pocock Tells of Serving the British Navy During the Seven Years' War

King Louis XV of France Tells about Life as a Monarch During the Seven Year's War

Benjamin Franklin Tells His Early Part of His Life, Up until the French and Indian War

W3-D4 - A Deep Dive into Mesoamerica - What Did You Know and Not Know??? - Adventure Box Podcast

Major General James Wolfe Tells His Story Taking the City of Quebec and Losing His Life

General John Forbes Tells His Story of Taking Fort Duquesne and the Ohio Valley During the French...

Admiral John Byng Tells His Story of Honor in the British Navy

Louise Élisabeth de Bourbon Tells Her Story Influencing Foreign Affairs in French Court