Все публикации

Being a Good Educator in Different Contexts / Biti dobar učitelj u različitim kontekstima

Early Childhood Education – More Than a Child / Predškolsko vaspitanje i obrazovanje više od deteta

Carla Rinaldi - Education is the Answer

Đorđe Đorđević - Nikad više i kraj posleratnog međunarodnog poretka

Education Towards Democracy / Obrazovanje ka demokratiji

Experience in Education / Doživljaj u obrazovanju

Gert Biesta - The Experience of Education from the Angle of the Teacher

Honorary Guest discussion on Change

Doctor Honoris Causa Ceremony

Honorary Guest Lectures - Axel Honneth & Jonathan Wolff

Jörg Matthes - Digital Media as a Driver of Change: The Illusion to be Informed

Sanja Bojanić - Why is art transformative?

Natalie Depraz - The transformative virtue of surprise

Emmanuel Picavet - Shared and plural interpretations in democratic deliberation

[ONLAJN PROMOCIJA KNJIGE] Participativne demokratske inovacije u Jugoistočnoj Evropi (ActiveLab)

Stavros Stavrides - Commoning Power: Towards emancipatory social changes

Rachel Armstrong - Dynamic Matter: Negotiating Change via Entropy and Synthesis through Metabolism

Regina Kreide - Who owns the city? Toward a notion of collective property

Humano obrazovanje u savremenom svetu / Humane Education in Contemporary World

Zvuk Misli #29 - Firoozeh Farvardin: Feminist Mobilizations in Iran

Upitna zdravstvena ponašanja – između psihologije i sistema

Razgovori: tradicionalna arhitektura, građevinarstvo i urbanizam - 16. maj 2024.

Svakodnevica radnika u Hrvatskoj u drugoj polovici 20. stoljeća na primjeru tvornice „Đuro Đaković“

Richard Parncutt – Modeling climate mortality