Все публикации

Trying harder does not solve the problem? This is why

How do Chinese herbs work ?

What does your stool type tell about your health?

Formula Masterclass - Session 4 - Warming Formulas

Herbology Masterclass - Session 5 - Warming Herbs

Formulas Masterclass - Session 3 - Kidney Tonic and Yin-Nurturing Formulas

Herbology Masterclass Session 4 - Kidney Tonic and Yin Nurturing Herbs

Formulas Masterclass Session 2 - Qi and Blood Tonic Formulas

Herbology Masterclass Session 3 - Qi Tonic, Spleen-Reinforcing and Blood-Nurturing Herbs

Formula Masterclass Session 1 - Generalities (clip)

Herbology Masterclass Session 2 - Categories

Herbology Masterclass Session 1 - Generalities (Clip)

Three acupuncture points to reduce stress - with massage technique

Chinese Medicine Herbology Masterclass (Pilot) - blood moving herbs

Tackling stress-related stomach conditions - Hua Gan Jian

Cravings - Root Cause and Management

Managing Mental Health Naturally with Chinese Medicine - An individualised Approach

Formulas with great value you have probably never heard of - Jia Yi Gui Zang Tang

Spleen deficiency - Part 4 Management

Spleen deficiency - Part 3 Causes

Spleen deficiency - Part 2 Signs and Symptoms

Spleen deficiency - Part 1 Introduction

Everything you need to know about Spleen Deficiency

Blood deficiency Part 4 Management