Все публикации

Negating Expressions III: Negating Exists

Negating Expressions II: Handling implications

Negating Expressions I: Building Lambdas and Pi-types

[Edited] More tactics with Elaborators: trying use in a range

Try This Widget: Refining the check of a tactic

Checking validity of tactics

Using `liftMetaTactic`: Continuation of `rw_le` example

Rewriting Inequalities II : writing the tactic

Rewriting Inequalities tactic I: Matching Inequalities

More tactics with Elaborators: trying use in a range (redirect: https://youtu.be/SAuCciIgTRE)

Lean Tactics with Elaborators: First Examples

State Monads - Implementation

State Monad Example: Memoization for Fibonacci numbers

Tactics using Macros

Introduction to Metaprogramming in Lean 4

LeanAide: Translation from natural langauge to Lean 4 and Mathlib 4

LeanAide: Translation from natural langauge to Lean 4 and Mathlib 4

Private repository for lab assignments

LeanAide translation: Natural language to Lean 4

Lean Loris: forward and mixed reasoning in Lean 4

Recursion and the Tower of Hanoi

Topology: Lecture 23.3 MA 231 (2021)

Topology: Lecture 23.4 MA 231 (2021)

Topology: Lecture 23.2 MA 231 (2021)