Все публикации

The Council of Nicaea was (Mostly) a Good Thing

Thank you Church for Defending the Tanakh

Jews and Gentile Relate to Torah Differently #bible #messianicjudaism #messianicjew #jewishroots

Why Messianic Judaism? #messianicjudaism #twomessianicjews #messianic #judaism #newtestament #bible

Romans Road to Messianic Judaism

Sim Shalom with Hebrew

Psalm 150 - Hallelujah - The Melody You've Been Looking For

Distinction Between Jewish and Gentile Believers? #messianicjudaism #newtestament #theology #gospel

Is the Church the true Israel in Rom. 9:6? #messianicjudaism #newtestament #biblestudy

Passover and the Gospel in Isaiah 53 #messianicjudaism #gospel #jesus #yeshua #jewish #biblestudy

Passover in Isaiah 53 in the Gospel (The Arm of the Lord)

Does Jesus' Resurrection Prove He is the Messiah? Full video link in description!

Should Gentiles keep the Torah? #messianicjudaism #hebrewroots #jewishroots #twomessianicjews

What is a Messianic Jew? #messianicjudaism #judaism #twomessianicjews

Saul did NOT become Paul #biblestudy #messianicjudaism #judaism #newtestament #twomessianicjews

The Shema IS IN the New Testament #messianicjudaism #biblestudy #jewish #newtestament #judaism

The Shema in the New Testament

What a Messianic Jew is NOT

Was Jesus against Jews? (Matthew 23:33)

No, Jews are NOT the Synagogue of Satan

NO, Jews are NOT children of the devil (John 8:44)

Sukkot and God's Presence: A Sukkot D'rash

Was Jesus Like Jonah? A Yom Kippur D'rash

Jesus Did NOT Declare All Foods Clean | Messiah Conference 2023