Все публикации

*4–96. Determine the required magnitude of F1, F2,and F3 #statics

4–95. If F1 = 100 N, F2 = 120 N, and F3 = 80 N,determine #statics

4–93. If the magnitude of the couple moment acting on the pipe #statics

4–91. If the couple moment acting on the pipe has a magnitude #statics

4–90. Express the moment of the couple acting on the pipe #statics

4–89. In order to turn over the frame, a couple moment is applied #statics

*4–88. Express the moment of the couple acting on the frame #statics

4–87. Determine the resultant couple moment of the two couples #statics

4–86. Determine the required magnitude of the couple moments #statics

4–85. The gears are subjected to the couple moments #statics

*4–84. Determine the magnitudes of couple moments #statics

4–83. If M1 = 180 lb . ft, M2 = 90 lb . ft, and M3 = 120 lb . ft #statics

4–82. Express the moment of the couple acting on the pipe #statics

4–81. Two couples act on the frame. If d = 4 ft#statics

*4–80. Two couples act on the frame. If d = 4 ft #statics

4–79. Two couples act on the frame. If the resultant couple moment #statics

4–78. Two couples act on the beam as shown. Determine the #statics

4–77. Two couples act on the beam as shown. If F = 150 lb #statics

*4–76. Determine the magnitude of F so that the resultant couple #statics

4–75. If the valve can be opened with a couple moment #statics

4–74. The man tries to open the valve by applying #statics

4–73. The ends of the triangular plate are subjected #statics

*4–72. Determine the magnitude of the couple forces F #statics

4–71. Two couples act on the beam. Determine the magnitude #statics