Все публикации

Hands-on 4: High-field carrier dynamics: calculation of velocity-field curves.

Hands-on 3: Transport calculations, magnetotransport. Using Perturbopy to read the output files.

Hands-on 2: Running preliminary calculations, generating the HDF5 file.

Hands-on 1: Using Perturbo via Docker. Testsuite.

Tutorial 4: Nonequilibrium ultrafast carrier dynamics.

Lecture 4: Ultrafast electron dynamics in the BTE framework, high-field dynamics.

Tutorial 3: Calculations of e-ph scattering rates and mobility vs. temperature / doping.

Lecture 3: Transport in the Boltzmann transport equation (BTE) framework. Perturbo implementation.

Tutorial 2: Preliminary steps: DFT, DFPT, Wannier90. Interface with Perturbo. Interpolation.

Lecture 2: Electron-phonon (e-ph) interactions. Short vs. long-range, interpolation, SOC, DFT+U.

Tutorial 1: The Perturbo code. Download and installation. Perturbopy postprocessing suite.

Lecture 1: Introduction, overview and selected results

PERTURBO Lecture 2: Electron-phonon interactions. Short vs. long-range, interpolation, SOC

PERTURBO Tutorial 2: Preliminary steps. DFT, DFPT, Wannier90

PERTURBO Tutorial 1: Perturbo download and installation

PERTURBO Tutorial 3: Electron-phonon scattering rates and mobility

PERTURBO Lecture 4: Ultrafast electron dynamics in the BTE framework

PERTURBO Tutorial 4: Ultrafast electron dynamics in the BTE framework