Все публикации

Custom LLM ChatBot using LLAMA 2, steps, tutorial and code.

ANOVA Test | Explanation | Calculation and working principle | Example

Chi Squared test| Calculation and Implementation.

Gradient Descent | Necessary conditions | Mechanism |Types

Window Functions in R Part 2 | Cumulative Aggregates | Rolling Aggregates | Recycled Aggregates

Model selection | AIC and BIC | Python Implementation.

Window Functions in R (Part 1)

Information criteria | AIC | BIC | Uses and Differences.

Apply Functions in R |apply() | lapply() | sapply() and tapply() .

Bias | Variance | Their Effects and Solutions.

How to merge two tables without any repetition in SQL/DBMS?

Activation functions and their advantages..

Multivariate Outlier Detection (Outlier detection Part 2).

Outliers, detection and remedies.

Lasso(L1 )regularization | Ridge (L2 ) regularization | their difference and uses.

Gini Index, Entropy and their difference when implemented in a Decision tree.

R squared | Adjusted R squared | their difference and how they can be used.

Context and Intent based Question and answer using BERT.

Mask Detection Model.