Все публикации

Niflheim - Épitaphe

Savnet - Agony 1

Todessehnsucht - Isolation

Kursed - Mourners Lament

Dark Fount - Tercel

Ancestral - Tree of Life

Acedi - Sakramenter af Lykke

Luci Tristi - Fado de Jouvence

Noctivagant - Amnesia

Judas Iscariot - His Eternal Life, Like A Dream Was Obliterated

Just Depressive Black Metal Part 11

Hypothermia - The tribute

Monarque - Marches Funèbres

Stardust - Erinnerung eines gebrochenen Herzens

Abyssmal Sorrow - Requiem For The Dying Moon ( Full Song with Lyrics )

Aboriorth - Chapter I (Whispering Decadence Tunes)

1000 Funerals - Moon's Heart

Exiled From Light - Neath The Oppressive Moonlight

Trancelike Void - Unveiling the Silent Arms of Despair I

Faulen - Selbsthass

Drained - The Illusion of better Days

Fortabt - Sorg Foedt

Fornicatus - Longing for Cold

Depths Of Despair - Desolation