Все публикации

Intestinal anastomosis l Connell Stitch l OSCE skill stations part 7 l Surgical clinics

Applied anatomy of the stomach - parts, blood and nerve supply, lymphatic drainage of the stomach

Hope for Cancer Patients: Liver Transplant for Colorectal Liver Metastasis - TRANSMET Trial

Mastering Suturing techniques l How to suture with Subcuticular stitches l OSCE Skill stations

Calculate variance, standard deviation and co-efficient of variation - Statistics made easy

How to suture l Horizontal mattress Sutures l Mastering suturing techniques l OSCE skills l Part 5

Variance, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, and Z score - Statistics made easy

Vertical mattress suture l OSCE skill station l Suturing techniques part 3

What causes colon cancer - Risk factors for colorectal cancer and cancer prevention and screening

Pancreatic cystic lesions - A step-by-step management approach and guidelines - Part 7

Where is liver located? #anatomy #liverhealthtips #liversurgeon - Dr. Gunjan Desai

Manage stress - Healthy coping strategies and unhealthy coping strategies - Stress relief 101

Simple interrupted sutures l Mastering suturing techniques l OSCE skill station - Part 3

Calm down - Look Within - Heal the mind, body and soul - Stop Overthinking #stressreduction

What causes esophageal or food pipe cancer and gastric cancer - cancer prevention strategies

IPMN of the Pancreas - Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm - pancreatic cystic neoplasm part 6

Liver anatomy - Hepatic venous drainage #neetpg #surgicaleducation #doctor #medicalstudent

Mastering suturing techniques - OSCE skills station - Part 2 - Suture and needle holder

Abdominal aorta branches #neetpg #surgicaleducation #medicalstudent #doctor #anatomyclass

Understanding Pancreatic Cancer: Causes, Risk factors, and Prevention Strategies

Mucinous cystic neoplasm of pancreas - Pancreatic cystic neoplasms part 5 - Edusurg Clinics

Borchardt's triad - Triads in Surgery #neetpg #mrcs_uk #usmleprep #surgicaleducation

What causes liver cancer - Risk factors for liver tumors - liver cancer prevention

Surgery for liver cancer #cancerawareness #livercancertreatment #liversurgeon