Все публикации

Interview with Fr. Barsanouphios

Acquiring a Patristic Mindset

Γεύσασθε και ίδετε (Κλαδά)

Homilia sobre a Fé (Português... ou talvez portunhol)

Sermon for the Annunciation (English)

Sermon for the Feast of St. John Maximovich (English)

Ομιλία στην εορτή του Αγίου Ιωάννου Μαξίμοβιτς (ελληνικά)

Now the Powers of Heaven, Tone 1

The Most Beautiful Orthodox Church in the World?: Monastery of Hosios Lukas

African Orthodox hymn

African dance while making prosphora

Homilía de un Bautismo Ortodoxo (español)

Una celda para visitantes en la Ermita de San Ignacio en Santa Cruz Naranjo, Guatemala

Κήρυγμα στη Κυριακή των μυροφόρων (Greek and English)