Все публикации

JRSA's 2022 Fall Virtual Research Gathering Day 1

JRSA's 2022 Fall Virtual Research Gathering Day 2

Qualitative Methods for Social Research Part II

Qualitative Methods for Social Research Part I

BJS NIBRS Extracts: An Introduction and How-To Guide

Advances in Human Trafficking Victim Identification

NIBRS Week Day 1

NIBRS Week Day 2

JRSA's Fall Virtual Research Gathering Communicating Research Results to Stakeholders Day Two

JRSA's Fall Virtual Research Gathering - Communicating Research Results to Stakeholders Day One

Measuring Outcomes in Response to Victims of Crime

Advances in Human Trafficking Victim Identification

Deferred Dispositions for Domestic and Sexual Violence Cases in Maine: Findings and Lessons

Advances in State level Crime and Victimization Surveys Lessons from the Oregon Crime Victimization

Using Propensity Score Modeling to Create Equal Comparison Groups

What is the SAC Role in Identifying and Resolving Data Quality Issues Found in Secondary Data Sets?

Legal Services for Victims of Crime A Model for Program Design and Evaluation

Measuring and Responding to Risk and Needs Factors in Practice

Approaches to Examining Long-Term Recidivism of Sex Offenders

Restorative Justice Introduction to Contemporary Approaches

Web Resources for Identifying Effective Criminal Justice Programs

DICRA Data Reporting by SACs: Initial Challenges and Solutions

Forecasting Prison Populations, Costs, and other Outcomes

Reducing Substance Use Disorders and Related Offending: A Continuum of Evidence