Все публикации

What to check for students before taking admission in ODL and OL Mode Programmes ?

What is Binary Accreditation System ? New Reforms by NAAC for Accreditation.

What is Equivalence Certificate and how to get it ?

Why is National Science Day celebrated on February 28?

Unlock Your Future: Discover When You're Eligible For A Certificate, Diploma, Or Degree!

Iphone 15: The Wait Is Over!

What is trading and how many types are there?

How Register Addressing Mode works in 8051 Microcontroller?

What does mean Regular Student, Re-admitted Student and Re-appear Student?

What is Immediate Address mode in 8051 Microcontroller?

How To Create QR Code for any Link ?

This halt has been deleted from the train route

Improving Structure & Quality of Assessment : RBT Level, Action Verbs and Questions Example

How do you determine the difficulty level of a question Paper ?

How To Create Bell Curve in Excel ?

Formative Assessment Vs Summative Assessment :- Which is better to adopt for Assessment ?

What does UGC propose in its new draft for PG curriculum?

How to Unsend an Email in Gmail

What are Functions in Google Sheets ? How to write Syntax for MAX, MIN, SUM, AVERAGE and COUNT ?

Examination , Evaluation and Your Role in Examination @ C T University , Ludhiana

MOAC-Excel-Lecture 6 : Alignment and Merging of cells, wrapping text in cell, conditional formatting

Google Suite: Lecture-1: What is Gmail and its Security Feature, Folder in Gmail , Category in Gmail