Все публикации

How To Add two BCD Numbers in 8051 Microcontroller?

How to Calculate Working Days Excluding Sundays in Excel

How does Big Data Analytic Life Cycle works ? Step by step working of Big Data Analytics

How To Create Drop Down List in Microsoft Word ?

How to Insert Blank Row after each row in Excel within 30 second for unlimited row - Tips and trick

How Digital EVALUATION Process works in Examination ? - On Screen Marking System

How a Nursing Student can calculate his/her SGPA and CGPA ? A Example Given

How 5 V of Big Data is affecting the World ? Volume, Velocity,Value, Variety, veracity in Big Data

Unboxing and Review of Levin 911 Full Matte Black Metal Body Extra Fine Nib Fountain Pen

What does Stand For General Coach, SS, CC, First AC Tier, 2nd Tier AC & 3rd Tier AC in Railway ?

Academic Bank of Credits (ABC) awareness video which have been approved by UGC

The Most Common Error while Uploading Students Data with ABC ID and it's Solutions

What does NIRF, NAAC and NBA Accredited Means ? How To Calculate Your Ranking and Accreditation?

A Talk bw Yogesh Sir & Saji Sir about Examination Reforms, Evaluation and Uses of Technology in Exam

A talk bw Brijesh Sir & Yogesh Sir about the process of handling malpractice cases during Exams

A Great Talk bw Yogesh Sir and Vaman Sir about Blockchain Technology, Secrecy of QP and MAC Address

A Great Talk bw Yogesh Sir & Beena Mam about Digital Evaluation, ABC Implementation, Bloom Taxonomy

A Great Talk between Venugopal Sir and Patil Sir about EXamination, Evaluation and Authencity of PhD

A Talk bw Yogesh Sir & Pradip Yadav about Examination Reforms, Use of ICT & Upcoming Technology