Все публикации

Attend the International Construction Arbitration Conference 2024

Life After Law School – Meera Patel

Life After Law School – Nicola Solomou

Nicola (LLB 2014) shares how her career has evolved over the years. #KCLLaw #lawschool

Welcome to the Law School!To all incoming students, we can wait to welcome you.

Introduction to Law of Financial Products Course

Recent Advances in Artificial Intelligence and its implications for Law |With Professor Harry Surden

Evidence in International Arbitration | Panel 1: The use of witnesses and experts

Evidence in International Arbitration | Panel 2: Disclosure, admissibility & evaluation of evidence

Chloe, LLB Student on the Windrush Compensation Scheme

Expert Panel – Freedom of Speech in International Law | Book launch

CCLDR International Construction Arbitration Conference 2023- Panel 4

CCLDR International Construction Arbitration Conference 2023- Panel 3

CCLDR International Construction Arbitration Conference 2023- Panel 2

Seeking Connection within a Rights of Nature framework

JCMS Annual Lecture: Fighting for Europe: Ukrainians & Belarusians' Changing Vision of the EU

Human Skills: The O Shaped Lawyers of the Future

Investigating and combatting financial crime risks faced by UK FinTechs

The Right to a Healthy Environment–Addison Luck

Exploring the impact of decision-making algorithms on the legitimacy of the justice system

How To Change The World (in a small, and perhaps rather frustrating, way) [SUBTITLED]

Student societies at the Dickson Poon School of Law

The Windrush Justice Clinic's work in supporting victims of the Windrush Scandal

Book Launch: the Disappeared of the South American Dictatorships and the Struggle to Find Them