Все публикации

Streaming Broadcasts (8- video switching)

Streaming Broadcasts (9- final thoughts streaming)

Streaming Broadcasts (5- audio recommendations)

Streaming Broadcasts (3- studio tour)

Streaming Broadcasts (2- gear needs)

Audio Basics Course (6- post processing)

Audio Basics Course- (1- importance of audio)

The Internal Mind Course (5- reverse breathing)

The Internal Mind Course (7- deep relaxation)

The Internal Mind Course (4- reverse breathing)

Work Remotely Course (3-basic ingredients)

Work Remotely Course (2- pros cons)

Work Remotely Course (1- intro)

eBizChat 36: Michael McCown on energyhire.com

Life Edge 148 (Spanish show): Hector Villarruel discute Heidegger y nuestro mundo.

Life Edge 147: Rose Hunter discusses her new book

eLearnChat 406: DevLearn 2023and Susan's visit to Google in Chicago

eLearnChat 405: David Kelly, CEO Learning Guild/DevLearn 2023

Life Edge 146: Van Hartmann speaking about empathy and self healing through expression

eLearnChat 403: Joe Ganci discusses new uses in learning like Chat GPT.

eLearnChat 402: Ajay Pangarkar on learning metrics and more.

Life Edge 145: Carolyn Steinhoff on writing, expression, and experiences with poetry

eBizChat 33: Dr. Brian L. Matthews on Leadership tiers

eBizChat 32: Warning! State of Commercial Real Estate