Все публикации

The Smiths - Last of the English Roses (Full Album)

Alice̲ ̲I̲n̲ ̲C̲hains - T̲he D̲e̲v̲il P̲ut D̲i̲n̲o̲saurs H̲e̲re (Full Album)

Alice̲ ̲I̲n̲ ̲C̲hains - B̲l̲a̲ck G̲i̲ves W̲ay t̲o B̲l̲ue (Full Album)

Totally 'One Week' by Barenaked Ladies

Lolita - Never Let You Go (Isolated Vocals)

Audioslave - Show Me How to Live (Demo Version, Remastered)

Rejected Applebee's Commercial

F̲i̲l̲ter - T̲i̲tle o̲f R̲e̲cord (Full Album)

F̲i̲l̲ter - S̲h̲ort B̲us (Full Album)

M̲e̲gadeth - C̲a̲p̲itol P̲u̲n̲i̲shment (Full Album)

P.O.D. - Satellite (Full Album)

B̲l̲ues T̲r̲a̲v̲eler - Four (Full Album)

P̲r̲i̲mus - A̲n̲t̲i̲pop (Full Album)

P̲r̲i̲mus - Tales From the Punchbowl (Full Album)

P̲r̲i̲mus - P̲o̲rk S̲o̲da (Full Album)

The Most Awkward SNL Moment

S̲o̲u̲n̲d̲garden - Louder Than Love (Full Album + Bonus Tracks)

P̲r̲i̲mus - Sailing the S̲e̲as o̲f C̲h̲e̲ese (Full Album)

P̲r̲i̲mus - Frizzle Fry (Full Album)

A̲ P̲e̲r̲fect C̲i̲r̲cle - Thirteenth Step (Full Album)

Q̲u̲e̲ens o̲f t̲he S̲t̲o̲ne A̲ge - S̲o̲ngs f̲o̲r t̲he D̲e̲af (Full Album)

Q̲u̲e̲ens o̲f t̲he S̲t̲o̲ne A̲ge - Rated R (Full Album)

E̲v̲a̲n̲e̲scence - Fallen (Full Album)

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Stadium Arcadium (Full Album)