Все публикации

Social Critique in Javanese Wayang

Across the Archives: Uncovering Hidden Actors in Anthropology Collections

Exonerative Accounts and the Circulation of Labels: Examples from Indonesian Political Talk

Russia and China in Africa; Contrasting Approaches with the U.S.

Flexible Authoritarianism: Cultivating Ambition and Loyalty in Russia

Selecting Refugees for Resettlement to Norway and Canada: Vulnerability, Integration and Discretion

A “Nuclear Umbrella” for Ukraine?

Eliana Amoh's Global Internship in Ghana

Killing Precisely: A History of Drones and Precision Warfare

Fighting Uyghur Forced Labor: Government, Researchers, Industry, and Civil Society

2024-2025 Hu Shih Distinguished Lecture: Patricia Buckley Ebrey

Writing a Story of Southeast Asia

Invisible Weapons: When Uncontentious Politics Undermine Democracy

Colonizing Kashmir: State-Building Under Indian Occupation

Introduction to the Martial Law Digital Library

Strange Stability: Metaphors, Money, and the History of Arms Control

The Assurance Dilemma in International Coercion

The Buddhist Women’s Special Marriage and Succession Act

Thinking about the Russia-Ukraine War

Afghanistan in the Classroom workshop for K-12 Educators (September 13, 2024)

Netanyahu vs. The Generals

Tracking Digital Surveillance and Repression

Bangladesh Now: Beyond the Headlines

Prepare 2024 Resource Presentations