Все публикации

Gemini: In Jan. you’ll have a greater interest in your investments. Book a reading at KimAllen.com.

Sagittarius: In Jan. lively company keeps your mind active. Book a reading at KimAllen.com

Aries: In July a wave of good fortune happens in your social life. Schedule reading at KimAllen.com

Libra: In July attending social events maximize your time. Schedule a reading at KimAllen.com.

Virgo: July a lucky break surfaces around your career. Schedule a reading at KimAllen.com.

Pisces: In July your personal care is important. Schedule a reading at KimAllen.com.

Scorpio: In July look for big career gains. Schedule a reading at KimAllen.com.

Capricorn: In July wealth building is a big inspiration. Schedule a reading at KimAllen.com.

Sagittarius: In July romantic concerns keep you active. Schedule a reading with KimAllen.com.

Aquarius: In July a happy partnership is a major focus. Schedule a reading at KimAllen.com.

Aquarius: In April your friendships are under reconstruction. Schedule a reading at KimAllen.com.

Libra: In March better work is your focus. Schedule a reading at KimAllen.com

Pisces: Your Feb chart indicates deep spiritual connections. Schedule a reading at KimAllen.com.

Pisces: Monthly Astro/Tarot Reading for Jan 2024. The Mercury RX ends. Pluto shifts direction.

Aries: The Mercury RX affects your career 12/23.

Taurus: The Mercury RX affects your options of expansion for the new year.

Leo: The Mercury Rx affects home matters and situations around your employment

Gemini: The Mercury RX affects your finances for the future.

Aquarius: The Mercury RX affects your inner spiritual needs for the new year.

Libra: The Mercury RX affects your home matters for the new year.

Pisces: Nov. Astro/Tarot Reading for the month. Saturn brings a deeper sense of concentration.

Pisces: October Monthly Astro/Tarot Reading. What the planets bring your way.

Capricorn: October Monthly Astro/Tarot Reading. What the eclipses bring your way.

Aquarius: October Monthly Astro/Tarot Reading. What the eclipse bring your way.