Все публикации

Neck Pulse of a Sleeping Female

Visible Heartbeat with audio and ECG

Heartbeat under mild pressure, with skippy recovery

Boring Heartbeat

Female heartbeat under pressure with ECG

Female resting heartbeat

Female Heart Under Pressure Lying Down (with ECG)

Visible Female Neck Pulse

Visible heartbeat on a cycling trip (SFW)

Female heartbeat with weird squeaking murmur under pressure

Female heartbeat with pressure on the chest, sound and ECG

Female heatbeat with ECG under strong pressure

Visible heartbeat on the chest, no sound (SFW)

Visible heartbeat w/o sound (SemiSFW: bare male chest)

Heartbeat under pressure with ECG

Spring Heartbeat

ECG and sound of a female heart under pressure

Heartbeat with pressure: ECG and Sound

Visible Heartbeat on a Cycling Trip

Hearbeat with 14 PVCs in half a minute

2019 09 04 ECG animation

Semi-SFW Semi-visible Heartbeat with Sound and ECG

Resting heartbeat

Heartbeat During Exercise And Recovery