Все публикации

Part one of seeing if anybody in duels will relent to defeating me. “ I will act like a bot”. 😂😂😂

Did I beat it?

Do you have a cute doggy dude? 🐶🐕🦮🐩🐕‍🦺🐾🦴

When there is a zombie apocalypse…


What is your pet named after?🐶🐰🐱🦁

Just give me my Pokémon cards!

Look at that mimicku sleeve!

Gotta love the rainbow rares!

Which bull skin is the best?

Who is your little doggy dude? 🐶🐕🐾

Right on target😂😂😂

What is with the secret locked book in brawl stars???

My new brawler!!!

Vyoms first middle school vice Secretary election.

Finally got the hyper charge dynamike! Letsss gooooo😁


Who d0 you think won?

Why is bibi so cracked???

Come on…. 🤫

The ending … 🤫

Get ready for some awesome brawl stars vids! Awesome brawlers coming up!

O m g