Все публикации

Mymaths - log in video guide

Hegarty Maths - support video for pupils

Simultaneous equations 2 the Collins way

Simultaneous equations the Collins way

Data paper 2 questions intermediate

Algebra paper 2 questions intermediate

Shape paper 2 questions intermediate

Number paper 2 questions intermediate

Shape all paper one questions intermediate

Algebra all paper ones intermediate

Number all paper ones intermediate

Subtract Decimals

Solve an equation with x on both sides

Form and solve an inequality

Finding a percentage of a fraction of an amount

Factorise ax2+bx+c (yr10)

Islwyn High does Mannequin Challenge

Higher spheres Q3

Higher spheres Q2

Higher tier sphere Q1

Higher tier Quadratic formula

Higher cosine/sine rule Q3

Higher cosine/sine rule Q2

Higher sine rule/cosine rule Q1