Все публикации

Useful command line to debug for beginners #kubernetes 19

Rabbitmq - 005. Automatic cluster installation with Vagrant

Rabbitmq - 04. Cluster installation

Rabbitmq - 03. First broker installation

Rabbitmq - 02. Core concepts

Linux Tricks - Organize automatically your bash history

What is a service ? and why ? #kubernetes 18

What is rollout ? and history ? #kubernetes 17

Rabbitmq - 01. Introduction, what is it ??

First Deployment, what is it ?? #kubernetes 16

What is a context ? How to manage it ?? #kubernetes 15

An Efficient CLI : aliases, kubectx, autocompletion, k9s #kubernetes 14

What is a replicaset ?? #kubernetes 13

Multi-Containers pods : patterns & demo #kubernetes 012

Kubectl apply vs create and pod output #kubernetes 011

Create our first pods #kubernetes 010

Linux Tricks - AWK : get PS command output to inject it in postgresql

Kubectl useful options & curl to the ApiServer #kubernetes 009

ApiServer : authentication, authorization & kubeconfig #kubernetes 008

Tricks - how to discover a random linux command every day ?? #linux #opensource

Linux Tricks - AWK : Count occurence of IP in nginx access logs

First cluster with K0S & Vagrant #kubernetes 007

What is a pod ? #kubernetes 006

Scheduling machine : the reconciliation loop ??!! #kubernetes 005