Все публикации

Prabir Banik (Bose Institute, Kolkata, India): Origin of cosmic rays in our galaxy

Jongkuk Kim (Chung-Ang U, Korea): Bell excess & Muon g-2 illuminating Light DM with Higgs Portal

Alekha C. Nayak (NITM, India): Bounds on sterile neutrino lifetime and mixing angle with active neut

C. M. Delgado (CEICO, FZU): Constraining the bispectrum from bouncing cosmologies with Planck

Dibya Chakraborty IIT-Madras,India ): Inflationary Models in String Theory

Suratna Das (Ashoka University, India): Some 'background checks' for Warm Inflation

Sagarika Tripathy (IIA, India): Unraveling the origins of magnetic fields in the early universe

Mian Zhu (Jagiellonian U, Poland): PBH from Null Energy Condition Violation in Inflation

Simona Proracci (Geneva, Switzerland): Smooth reheating via non-Abelian dark sector

Dhruba Gogoi (Moran College and Dibrugarh U, India): Properties of GW in Modified Gravity

Nirmalya Kajuri (IIT Mandi, India): Bulk Reconstruction in de Sitter

Deepen Garg (Geneva, Switzerland): Scalar perturbations from inflationary magnetogenesis

Jerome Quintin (Perimeter Institute Canada): Fingerprints of a Non-Inflationary Universe from Massiv

Wenqi Ke (Minnesota, USA): The Role of the Curvaton Post-Planck

Sabir Ramazanov (Moscow, Russia): Domain Walls and Gravitational Waves

Priyesh Chakraborty (Harvard University, US) : de Sitter as Axion Detector

Wei Xu (Florida, US): Gauged Global Strings

Jacob Gunn (Napoli, Italy): Phenomenology of Primordial Black Hole Hot Spots

Cyril Creque-Sarbinowski (Flatiron Institute, USA) : Cosmic Magnetic Shear of Blazars

Md. Riaj ul Haque (PAMU, ISI, India): primordial black holes, dark matter, and gravitational waves

Mar Bastero Gill (Grenada, Spain): Neutron decay anomaly, dark matter, and neutron stars

Paul Romatschke (University of Colorado Boulder, US): Mass Generation and Asymptotic Freedom for La

Arushi Bodas (Chiacgo and Fermilab): Seeing particles beyond the inflationary Hubble scale

Amitayus Banik:Discriminating properties of self-interacting dark matter through gravitational wave