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Flutter | Navigation between screens. How to send params between screens using navigation?

50 subscribers on the channel Flutter Without Words. Thank you!

Flutter | Modal bottom sheet. Show animated dialog from bottom

Flutter | 3 types of date picker: showDatePicker, CalendarDatePicker, CupertinoDatePicker

Flutter | Get the screen size. Set free position of widgets

Flutter | Add Google Maps to the Flutter project

Dart | Operators

Dart | Variables and print

2 kinds of ListView: Simple (like Column) and ListView.builder [Flutter]

Save Class/Object to SharedPreferences [Flutter]

Flutter: Add custom font to app

Flutter: Add SVG image to widget (using flutter_svg)

Flutter: Open URL in WebView (using webview_flutter)

Flutter Stream: Many listeners for one stream using broadcast. Filtering stream data

Flutter Stream: Understanding of StreamBuilder

Flutter Stream: Basic understanding of streams. Send data and listen it with StreamController

Flutter UI: Work with checkboxes | Single Checkbox and List of checkboxes with CheckboxListTile

Flutter basics: Stack | Put one widget over another widget

Flutter: Save/Load data in local storage (using shared_preferences)

Flutter: Send value from one widget to another (using ValueNotifier and ValueListenableBuilder)

Flutter UI: Drawer (build SideMenu)

Flutter UI: BottomNavigationBar | Make Bottom Bar based app in Flutter

Flutter hack: The simplest way to create StatelessWidget and StatefulWidget in Flutter

Make a release Android build in Flutter. Signing the Android app and make release apk