Все публикации

New Laws in 2016

When can a Teacher or Principal Search a Student?

What is Diversion?

Is Free Range Parenting Legal?

Are parents responsible for damage caused by kids?

True Sportsmanship - Gainesville Tornadoes vs. Vanguard Prep

Can teen parents leave home without parents' permission?

How is Sexting Charged?

Our Condolences to the Family of Kayla Mueller

What's the Difference Between a Grand Jury and a Trial Jury?

Are School Records Public?

Are School Dress Codes Legal?

What Happens if I Skip School?

Do I Have to go to School?

Selfie Reminder and Recent Selfie Laws

AsktheJudge Takes the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

What Are the Sexting Laws in my State?

Carleigh O'Connell Video Shout Out

How to get your Juvenile Record Expunged

Can Police Search Your Phone?

When can a minor become emancipated?

Judge Tom talks with Avery Doninger