Все публикации

Learn Python Full Course - This is the ultimate guide for beginners!

Python Complete Course #-59 Python advance string: split, partition, isalnum, isnumeric, isalpha

Python Complete Course #-58 Python viewing the emails

Python Complete Course #-57 Python sending email with smtplib module

Python Complete Course #-56 Python working with PDF file

Python Complete Course #-55 Python working with CSV file

Python Complete Course #-54 Python image manipulation with Pillow module

Python Complete Course #-53 Python web scraping: grab the image

Python Complete Course #-52 Python web scraping: use bs4 to get the text from tag with id and class

Python Complete Course #-51 Python web scraping: use beautiful soap to get the text from tag

Python Complete Course #-50 Python web scraping: setup request, beautiful soap and lxml

Python Complete Course #-49 Python unzip and shutil module: zip and unzip file

Python Complete Course #-48 Python time the python code by using timeit and time module

Python Complete Course #-47 Python regular expression (regex) : include and exclude

Python Complete Course #-46 Python regular expression (regex) : character classes and quantifier

Python Complete Course #-45 Python regular expression (regex) : search, finditer, findall

Python Complete Course #-44 Python debugger module, breakpoint()

Python Complete Course #-43 Python math module,

Python Complete Course #-42 Python datetime module, ctime format and time difference (timedelta)

Python Complete Course #-41 Python OS module, get current working directory and move file

Python Complete Course #-40 Python Collections Module, counter and namedtuple

Python Complete Course #-39 Python Generators, how to use yield and iter

Python Complete Course #-38 Python Decorators What They Are & How to Use Them

Python Complete Course #-37 Python Unit Test