Все публикации

Going Back in Time to Ancient Rome on the Appian Way

Where Caligula Was Assassinated

Walking Through the Park of the Aqueducts

Stuck in a Time Machine at CineCittà

Walking into Rome on the Via Appia Antica

UChicago vs. Cambridge and Oxford

Chicago Spends $3.3 Million a Year to Protect Mayor Lori Lightfoot at Home

Pride and Prejudice vs. Crazy Rich Asians

World's Worst Interview Answers (Part 1)

CDC Pushes Back Against LA County Mask Mandate, Says No Masks Necessary for Vaccinated

White House: Vaccinated People are More Afraid of Delta Variant than Unvaccinated People

LA County Mask Mandate for Vaccinated People Goes Against CDC & White House Guidance

What We Thought Space Exploration Would Be Like Vs. Reality

Surfside Condo Inspection in 2018 Found Cracking, Waterproofing Issues

Surfside Official Told Condo Residents in 2018 Building Was In “Very Good Shape.”

Harris Gets Pissy about Going to the Border

Harris Tells Illegal Immigrants: 'Do Not Come to U.S.'

Kamala Harris Contradicts Herself on Illegal Immigration Before & After Election

Gorgeous Sunset While Landing in Cleveland

Black Lives Matter Global Foundation Reports $120 Million in Revenue

A Constitutional Amendment for Free Speech on Social Media

Where UC Berkeley Law Students Went to College

Pandemic Cover: Dancing Queen

Antifa.com Routing to Whitehouse.gov