Все публикации

sqaure of a sorted array

longest contiguous subarray

How to find longest consecutive subsequence in an array

How to create Pascal’s Triangle

How to find the first and last position of a value in a sorted array

How to find the intersecting numbers of 3 arrays

How to find cycle in the array

partition palindromes in a string

Find the length of the longest increasing subsequence (using Dynamic Programming)

search in a rotated array

Find the first non-repeating letter in a string

How to rotate a matrix 90 degrees

degrees between two hands on a clock

Visually Illustrated: How to find the number of unique paths with obstacles (dynamic programming)

Visually Illustrated: How to find the longest palindrome in a string using Sliding Window method

Visually Illustrated: find the number of unique paths in a matrix (Dynamic Programming)

Visually Illustrated: How to rotate an array

Visually Illustrated: Generate all strings with n-matched parentheses

Visual illustrations: how to find the kth largest element in an array recursively?

Visual illustration: how to find Longest Common Subsequence length (Dynamic Programing)

Visual illustration: how to do quick sort?

Visual illustration: how to find the Longest Common Subsequence of two strings recursively?

Visual illustration: how to check if a binary tree is a subtree of another binary tree

Visual illustration: how to check if the two strings are a rotation of each other