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He took THE TITLE, FINISHING with this TECHNIQUE for the first time😱

He did it ON PURPOSE!

In the pursuit of the TITLE, he almost made a FATAL mistake.😨

The case when you can afford it!

An event that will be talked about for centuries!

Everyone thought he was doomed!

The poor guy couldn't have imagined such a thing!

When he decided it was time to finish!!!

99% wouldn't be able to replicate it

And how would everything have turned out under different rules!

His arrogance worked up to a certain point.

He studied from BRUCE LEE's films and decided to fight like a REAL FIGHTER😂

Вырубил ДЕРЗКОГО Конора! #shorts

Боец НЕ ПОЖАЛ РУКУ и получил за это по голове! #shorts

Самоуверенный боец ПОЛУЧИЛ карму! #shorts

Наказал ШУТНИКА за его выходки! #shorts

Хотел ЗАПУГАТЬ бешеным взглядом! #shorts

Хрупкая девушка УШАТАЛА 300кг ярости! #shorts

Наказал ПОДЛОГО бойца за крысиный поступок! #shorts

Подлый боец ПОПЛАТИЛСЯ за свои поступки! #shorts

Наказал ГРОМИЛУ за дерзость! #shorts

Хотел ЗАПУГАТЬ взглядом но не вышло! #shorts

Борзый боец проявил НЕУВАЖЕНИЕ и напросился на это! #shorts

Отбил НАГЛОМУ блогеру всю голову! #shorts