Все публикации

Operating Systems Assignment 3

Operating Systems Lecture 45: CPU Scheduling (11): Algorithm Evaluation

Operating Systems Lecture 53: Deadlocks (8): Deadlock Detection Using the Resource Allocation Graph

Operating Systems Lecture 54: Deadlocks (9): Deadlock Detection Using the Banker’s Algorithm

Operating Systems Lecture 52: Deadlocks (7): Deadlock Avoidance Using the Banker’s Algorithm (2)

Operating Systems Lecture 51: Deadlocks (6): Deadlock Avoidance Using the Banker’s Algorithm (1)

Operating Systems Lecture 50: Deadlocks (5): Deadlock Avoidance Using the Resource Allocation Graph

Operating Systems Lecture 44: CPU Scheduling (10): Scheduling in Windows

Operating Systems Lecture 42: CPU Scheduling (8): Real-Time Scheduling

Operating Systems Lecture 43: CPU Scheduling (9): Scheduling in Linux

Operating Systems Lecture 40: CPU Scheduling (6): Mulitlevel Queue and Multilevel Feedback Queue

Operating Systems Lecture 41: CPU Scheduling (7): Multiple-Processor Scheduling

Operating Systems Lecture 39: CPU Scheduling (5): Round-Robin Scheduling

Operating Systems Lecture 38: CPU Scheduling (4): Shortest-Remaining-Time-First & Priority Sched.

Operating Systems Lecture 37: CPU Scheduling (3): Determining the Length of the Next CPU Burst

Operating Systems Lecture 36: CPU Sched. (2): First-Come, First Served (FCFS) and Shortest-Job-First

Operating Systems Lecture 35: CPU Scheduling (1): Basic Concepts

Operating Systems Lecture 34: Process Synchronization (Part 12): Examples from Real Systems

Operating Systems Lecture 33: Process Synch. (Part 11): Monitor Soln to the Dining-Philosophers Prob

Operating Systems Lecture 32: Process Synch. (Part 10): The Dining-Philosophers Prob using Semaphore

Operating Systems Lecture 31: Process Synchronization (Part 9): The Readers-Writers Problem

Operating Systems Lecture 30: Process Synchronization (Part 8): The Bounded-Buffer Problem (2)

Operating Systems Lecture 29: Process Synchronization (Part 7): The Bounded-Buffer Problem (1)

Operating Systems Lecture 27: Process Synchronization (Part 5): Semaphores