Все публикации

Examples Based on Leibnitz's Theorem

Nth Derivative of Standard Functions

Leibnitz's Theorem and Examples

Examples Based on Successive Differentiation using Trigonometric Functions

Successive Differentiation, nth Derivative of Standard Functions

Lagrange's Method of Undermined Multipliers Examples

Examples Based on Lagrange's Method of Undermined Multipliers

Lagrange's Method of Undermined Multipliers

Examples Based on Maxima & Minima

Examples Based on Laurent's Series Expansion

Laurent's Series Expansion

Complex Integration :Taylor's Series

Examples Based on Cauchy's Theorem, Cauchy Integral Formula Type V

Examples Based on Cauchy's Theorem, Cauchy Integral Formula Type III, IV

Examples Based on Cauchy's Theorem, Cauchy Integral Formula Type I, II

Procedure To find the Integral using Cauchy's Theorem, Cauchy's Integral Formula

Cauchy's Integral Formula (Fundamental Theorem)

Cauchy's Integral Theorem and Examples

Examples Based on Line Integration

Complex Integration : Evaluation of Line Integration

Complex Integration Introduction, Line Integration

Examples Based on Euler's Theorem Corollary 3

Examples Based on Chain Rule for Three Variables

Maxima and Minima of a function