Все публикации

Dad Joke: Why Pirates Don’t Shower Before Walking The Plank!

Funny Pirate Jokes for Kids

Pirate Dad Joke

Dad Joke: Why Pterodactyl's Pee Silently #funny #joke #funny

Dad joke: What do you call it when a cow grows facial hair?

Dad joke: Why did the baby broom go to bed?

Dad joke: Why Do Ants Smell So Good?

Can ChatGPT Really Make Us Laugh?

Dad joke: What did the baby corn ask the mom corn?

Angry French Aunt Dad Joke

Hilarious Knock Knock Joke: I Scream Soda!

Best Knock Knock Joke Ever? You'll Love the Punchline!

Dad Jokes to Survive Your Commute to Work!

Caught telling dad jokes at the library

I told my twin CHEESY dad jokes

Space Dad Jokes That Are Out of This World! #funnyshorts

Unbelievable Dad Joke: Yoga-Ready Camping Chair

Campfire Laughs: Best Dad Jokes to Tell While Camping!

Caught on Camera: Dad Joke That Target Shoppers Loved!

Top 10 Easter Jokes to Make You Hop with Laughter!

Caught on Camera: Telling Dad Jokes in Target!

Caught On Camera Telling Jokes In TARGET

Priceless Joke in Target: Can’t Scan This!

POP! Balloon Joke FAIL - Watch until the end!