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Christmas Day 2015

Hold yuh

I don't belong to you keke palmer

GDFR flo rida

Wet the bed Chris brown

Somebody Natalie la rose

Lost boy Ruth

Beauty and the beast Justin Bieber

Cake trey songz

Lay me sam smith

Me singing yesterday I couldn't remember what song I was singing


Cool beats

Really cool beats,beating with your hands

Don't tell em

Don't tell em dance

People be like this playing Angry birds lol

Me n my twin cover say something

Rumors dance cover by Reggie Couz.By the way I didn't plan all free style.

Lol I'm so weird that's one of my dogs

A funny video remember monster inc

My little sister friend was dancing n I was recording n I went rolling.lmao

My Elmo voice oh yeahhhh saying Elmo don't like u.lol comment if u think I talk like Elmo

Just made this lol Elmo voice I'm getting better at this.