Все публикации

Do you need to buy a de-verb plugin? #musicproductiontips #deverb #logicprox

177: What’s the Best Plugin to Remove Reverb? Let’s Find Out!

The best FREE plugin for PUNCHY kicks | @PluginAllianceTV bx_Subfilter #mixingtechniques #kickdrum

176: What Makes a Kick Drum Punchy? Try This Free Plugin | @PluginAllianceTV bx_Subfilter

174: The Art of DIY Mastering: Tips and Strategies to Master Your Own Music with Eric Mitchell

Uncover why I use FX sends vs VST synth time based processing #mixingtips #musicproductiontips

173: Unlock the Secret to Creating Perfect Risers in any VST Synthesizer

172: How Pink Noise Can Transform Your Sound Setup and Speaker Calibration with @mikesonmics

Don't sleep on @Spotify curator feedback #spotify #producerlife #producergrind

How should you EQ a hi-hat? @mikeexeterrecordproducer4391 #hihat #mixingtips #recordingtips

Discover Mike Exeter's top tips for BALANCING BASS frequencies | @mikeexeterrecordproducer4391

Are there more tracks in an Atmos mix? @WorkingClassAudio #dolbyatmosmixing #mixingtips

🎙️Unlock how to get started with Atmos mixing in E170 | @WorkingClassAudio #dolbyatmosmixing

169: Unlocking Immersive Audio: Mastering Dolby Atmos with Matt Boudreau | @WorkingClassAudio

I used the @sonicacademy ANA2 high strings preset to create a drone 🎹#electronicmusic #edmmusic

I used this SERUM bass patch in my new single 'Waves' 🌊 #synthbass #serum #progressivehouse

169: Mastering Vocal Dynamics with Gain Automation and Why You Need This One Mixing Technique

🌊 'Waves' is out Friday 22 Nov #newmusicalert #progressivehouse #beachlife #firedancing

Uncover why mixing should feel like a performance | @RecordingStudioRockstars #mixingtips mix

168: Mastering Music Production: Insights and Strategies with Lij Shaw | @RecordingStudioRockstars

New single 'Waves' 🌊 out Nov 22 #progressivehouse #electronicmusic #wavescrashing #waves

🌊 New Single 'Waves' OUT Nov 22 #progressivehouse #edmmusic #electronicmusic

🦔 Sonic the Hedgehog in Cardiff City Centre 🔵 #streetperformer #sonicthehedgehog #sonic #cardiff

166: How Do You Know When Your Mix Is Done? Free Logic Pro Mixing Course