Все публикации

How couple resolved their quality time dispute

Husband not helping with house chores

Why it’s ok to point out mother-in-law’s mistake

10 behaviors that destroy relationships

How have people resolved their repetitive conflicts?

How to handle your irritated partner?

Do you hide things from your partner, to avoid fights?

Should you support partner’s feelings when they are wrong?

How have people resolved their repetitive conflicts?

Husband brings up past in every talk

When your partner lies, do this

Your husband listens to mom too much?

Why husband should admit his mom’s mistake

Husband bottles up emotions, fights later

When partners can’t stay on topic (Part 2)

When partners can’t stay on topic (Part-1)

Husband stops talking for 2 days

When husband defends his sister

Husband not paying attention

Wife annoyed with messy husband

Wife expected to call mother-in-law

Husband gets impatient

Wife becomes rude when irritated

My wife isn’t happy with mother-in-law coming to stay