Все публикации

Faits saillants du congrès annuel 2024 à Vancouver

Highlights from the Annual Conference 2024 in Vancouver

Get To Know Community Paediatricians, part 2

Advice for students and residents, part 2

A day in the life of community paediatricians, part 2

Community paediatrics: How has the field evolved?

Le diabète de type 1 : Une grave hypoglycémie à l'école

Type 1 Diabetes: Severe Low Blood Sugar At School

Congrès annuel 2023 de la Société canadienne de pédiatrie

Canadian Paediatric Society Annual Conference 2023

La promotion de l’évolution optimale de la santé mentale chez les enfants et les adolescents

Promoting optimal mental health outcomes for children and youth

From adverse childhood experiences to safe, stable, nurturing reationships

Incorporating relational health into clinic visits

Protect your family from viruses

Les piles boutons : un danger caché

Button batteries: Know the risks

Les antibiotiques : Quand sont-ils nécessaires?

Antibiotics: When are they needed?

Screen time and preschool children: Promoting health and development in a digital world

For parents: Screen time and preschool children

Le temps d’écran et les enfants d’âge préscolaire

A Day in the Life of Community Paediatricians

Get to Know Community Paediatricians