Все публикации

Check Sorted Array | Maths | DSA | Java | NERDY CREW

Armstrong Number | Maths | DSA | Java | NERDY CREW

Palindrome Number | Leetcode Problem 9 | Maths | DSA | Java | NERDY CREW

Count digits program | Maths | DSA | Java | NERDY CREW

Find the analytic function whose real part is cosx coshy | NERDY CREW

Find the analytic function whose real part is e^2x(x cos2y - y sin2y) | NERDY CREW

Show f(z) is cont. everywhere & CR equation are satisfied at origin but f(z) is not analytic at z=0

Find the analytic function whose real part is e^x(x cosy - y siny) | NERDY CREW

Limits | Complex Analysis | 20+ questions | NERDY CREW

Show that the following functions are analytic and find their derivates i)e^x ii)sin z iii)sinh z

Necessary condition for a function to be analytic | Complex Analysis

Introduction to Analytic function with example | Complex Analysis

If sin(u+iv) = x+iy, then show that i) x^2/cosh^2v + y^2/sinh^2v =1 ii) x^2/sin^2u - y^2/cos^2u = 1

Prove that log(1 + cos 2θ + isin 2θ) = log(2 cosθ) + i θ | Complex Analysis

Separate into real and imaginary parts i) sinh (x+iy) ii) cosh (x-iy) iii) coth (x-iy)

Separate the following into real and imaginary parts i) sec (x+iy) ii) cot (x+iy) | Complex Analysis

Express cos 7θ & sin 7θ in powers of cos θ & sin θ. Obtain expression for tan 7θ in powers of tan θ.

Find the principal value and general value of the logarithm of i)-5 ii)i iii)-i | Complex Analysis

Separate the following into real and imaginary parts | exponential functions | Complex Analysis

Express cos^10 θ in series of cosines of multiple of θ | Complex Analysis

Prove : cos 16θ + i sin 16θ = (cos θ + i sin θ / sin θ + cos θ )^8 | Complex Analysis

Prove that n nth roots of unity form a G.P. Show that their sum is 0 & product is equal to (-1)^n-1

Lecture 1: Basics of De-Moivre’s theorem | Complex Analysis

Dimension of linear sum | Dim(W1+W2)=Dim W1+ Dim W2- Dim(W1∩W2) | Basis and Dimension